I apologize for not keeping this blog as current as I should. In the two months that have passed since I last updated you more has went on at ESF than I could ever include in this post. We have sprayed fields, planted plots, weaned calves, mowed pastures, spread manure, hosted several field days, and put down enough fabric and gravel to build a small runway. Yes, this fall has been busy but that is a good thing. We hosted our annual Open House field day on Oct 10th. We had great weather and attendance was good. There were around 50 people that came out to see the work that we have been doing at the farm this past year. The cows are looking good now that the calves have been weaned. We have continued to rotate them to fresh grass and they are enjoying the cooler weather. Dr Steve Higgins work has continued as well. We have completed several of the large projects that we had been working on for a good part of the summer. The inside of the dairy barn is now complete, with all the gates hung and the working facilities in the back. We have also finished up the water harvesting system at the bull barn (except for a little fencing). This area got a lot of fabric and gravel during the construction process. We also have some other areas that we are working on putting in some fenceline feeders. Again, the fabric and gravel are down and we are waiting on the fencer to get the structures installed. We should have all these structures completed before winter. I encourage you to come to the farm and see what we have been up to. Oh, and if you plan to hang a deer stand on the farm, don’t be discouraged when you come back to find it not there…
August 2024
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